terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013

The European ruling ordering the release of ETA in Spain

Europe has favored the ETA, a terrorist group that claims the independence of Vasc Country in Spain. The government of Spain was forced to release a prisioner of ETA following a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights.

Members of ETA
Spanish laws avoid the reduction of prison time for good behavior, but the Strasbourg Court has backed an appeal against these laws on Monday. The Interior Ministry of Spain said that 76 members of ETA could eventually benefit from this precedent.

The last prisoner released was Inés del Río. She should have been released in July 2008, but due to the "Parot doctrine" was to remain in prison until 2017. Parot doctrine is to apply normal sentences to a convict who isn't legal age, in this case Ines Del Rio was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

In Spain citizens are very upset by this event. There are many family and friends of victims scattered throughout the country. Since 1960, ETA has committed more than 700 attacks that have killed 857 people in addition to thousands injured and 90 abducted. Of those killed, 361 were civilians (over 42%), 195 policemen (22%), 147 national police (17%) and 82 military (9%). Most of them were killed by gunfire (544, 63%), while 307 were killed with explosives, mostly car bombs (158).

Angela Redondo Catellanos Amanda Rotger Salvá

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